Information and Articles

For those considering purchasing or developing a farm to breed alpacas, practical guidance is essential. While alpacas are traditionally associated with high-altitude regions in South America, particularly those unsuitable for other livestock, their global distribution now includes diverse climates—from Alaska's snowfields to Israel's Negev Desert.

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Mudgee Small Farm Field Days Returns in 2024: Celebrating Agriculture, Innovation, and Community

Mudgee, NSW - June 26, 2024 - The highly anticipated Mudgee Small Farm Field Days are set to return this year, promising a celebration of agriculture, innovation, and community spirit from July 12-13, 2024. This beloved event will once again bring together farmers, industry professionals, and rural enthusiasts for two days of discovery, networking, and learning.

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What you need to do to be eID ready - Key tasks

From 1 January 2025

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This is the second part in our series on improving the pasture on your small farm. Part 1 addresses the reasons and methods for completely renewing an old pasture, while this part discusses ways to enhance an existing pasture without the large renewal cost.

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A dilemma facing many small farmers is whether to renew an existing pasture and if the high replacement costs are worthwhile. 

There are both financial and other benefits in renewing a pasture, including increases in livestock production/health, improved ground cover/weed control and increases in soil carbon. 

Renewing pastures and increasing stocking rates are a good way for those farming small areas to increase farm income and help cover increasing fixed farm costs (e.g. rates, insurance, licenses). 

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Are you a small farm owner wondering if your property is properly insured? In this video, we'll share tips and tricks from the industry on getting the right insurance coverage for your farm. Protect your investment and ensure peace of mind with these helpful insights.

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Bovine Ephemeral Fever, commonly known as 3 day sickness, is a significant disease affecting cattle in northern Australia. It is caused by a virus and transmitted by mosquitoes and biting midges. It is often seen after heavy rainfall and flooding which provides favourable conditions for insect populations to increase.

The disease manifests in three stages. Stage one includes sudden onset fever, shivering, depression, abnormal posture, drooling, discharge from eyes and nostrils, Cow down with 3 day sickness reduced feed intake, and diminished milk production.

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Embarking on the journey of farm ownership is an exciting venture, laden with decisions that can shape the course of your agricultural enterprise. To guide you through this pivotal chapter, the Stock Sense team invites you to join our upcoming webinar series starting on February 14th 2024 at 6pm. These sessions aim to empower you with practical insights, expert advice, and key resources, laying the groundwork for a successful, rewarding, and sustainable farming experience.

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Australian-first trials of a device that uses electricity to kill weeds are yielding promising results,
particularly for combating herbicide-resistant weeds.

The project, now in its second year, aims to assist farmers and community land managers develop
sustainable, non-chemical weed control solutions.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is leading the project in
association with AGXTEND, a brand of CNH Industrial, testing the XPower machine, powered by
Zasso™, under Australian conditions.

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NSW is currently transitioning to mandatory individual electronic identification for sheep and farmed goats. 

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