

4 posts

Member for

4 years 5 months
Last seen: 10/02/2020 - 15:39
Joined: 09/27/2020 - 19:46


Hi everyone, I'm a new member of FarmStyle and our family have newly purchased a 12 acres near Balhannah in the Adelaide Hills. We are looking to find some local people who are interested in having their livestock on our land (several months ago this land was used for horse agistment). I'd be grateful for any guidance or advice as to how we can connect with people who might be interested. Thanks so much for any input! Marie.


Goat feed pellets from fruits and vegetable pulp

3 posts

Member for

5 years 11 months
Last seen: 03/30/2019 - 08:07
Joined: 03/30/2019 - 07:52

Goat feed pellets from fruits and vegetable pulp

I want to know if we can make goat feed pellets from Pulp of Fruits and vegetables.

The pulp are made from cold pressed juice company and i wanted to know if we can use it to feed goats.

As a farmer, your success depends upon the health of your livestock. It is important to have a tangible way of weighing and measuring livestock. In order to do so, livestock scales are used to measure the weight of large animals like sheep, cattle, goats, grain, dogs, etc.
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