Weaner rings

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Weaner rings

We are presently using weaner rings on a number of our calves and note that some are still sucking even with the ring on.

Has anyone come accross this before. 

The ring is yellow with barbs.

Many thanks Peter

Last seen: 09/17/2019 - 18:07
Joined: 11/23/2011 - 09:38

Hi Peter,

There are a few different types of weaner rings available. One of them is a flat plate type that falls in front of the calf's mouth blocking it when the head it tilted up to suckle. It falls forward out of the way when the calf wants to graze. I suggest checking out your rural supplier who will be able to show a you a catalogue and advise you on the best type. Another solution is what I do. Put them in the yards for a couple of weeks and feed them with a good grassy weaner hay and good access to a water trough. By the time you release them their mums usually won't let them suckle any more. Or at least that has been my exerience. Don't be alarmed if they lose a little weight while they are confined as they usually do when they are being weaned, whatever method is used. However, perhaps someone else on the forum may have some better ideas.




Last seen: 12/26/2018 - 09:21
Joined: 05/31/2011 - 09:44

Hi Peter,

I have contacted the supplier Easywean regarding your question. Please find below their response.

"Firstly, if the noserings have only recently been put on, please give them time before trying Plan B. In some cases it may appear that the calf is still suckling as you can see milk froth around its mouth, but often it is not getting enough to sustain the mother's lactation. In time she will stop lactating.

If the calf has got around the nosering - and this can happen with a persistent calf and a very patient mother who does not mind being jabbed by the spikes - then we suggest that you try turning the nosering around so that when it tries to suckle, the calf spikes itself.  In some cases we have even used two noserings on the one calf so spikes are facing up and down, and working on both the mother and the calf.

Although these are unorthodox solutions it has worked on some of your weaners in the past, while still allowing us to keep calf and mum together, and not breaking their special bond.

Please also check that the noserings in question are EasyWean noserings. There are unfortunately some poorly made alternatively in the Australian market, trying to pass themselves off as EasyWean noserings. Please check that the nosering has EasyWean moulded onto each one, next to the wingnut."

If you have any other queries please let us know.


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