Information and Articles

Livestock contamination is a critical factor of food safety – one which can jeopardise your livestock health and sales.

Farm Rubbish dump

Key points

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Know your risk this bush fire season
The risk of bush fires is returning. With several years of wet weather grass and scrub has grown across NSW. Talk to your local RFS members about the likely risk of bush or grass fire in your local area.

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A 33-year-old livestock producer from the South West has been fined $4000 and ordered to pay court costs of $990.30 after pleading guilty in Bunbury Magistrates Court to 13 charges relating to non-compliance with Western Australia’s biosecurity laws.

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In this episode of small farm dairies Liz discusses her experience in establishing and maintaining a diverse perennial pasture for grazing cattle or cutting for hay. Along with the importance of the 3 "P's"', for the pasture to be palatable, productive and perennial (not needing to be resown each year).

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No one likes starting an article this way, but it's an unfortunate truth that we hope to change. Kids who live on farms are more likely to be injured or killed than their parents or farm workers. Children are naturally curious, so it's important to keep them away from danger. This could be in the form of machinery and equipment, livestock or bodies of water. Keep in mind children under the age of 15 are more vulnerable to on-farm related accidents too. Whilst children learn about farm safety as they develop and grow, they also mimic the behavior of those around them.

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What is Sheep Body Lice?
Sheep body lice (Bovicola ovis) are responsible for most lice infestations of sheep and cost Australian sheep producers millions a year.

Body lice are a common problem in Victorian sheep flocks and cause significant economic loss as a result of:

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The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is reminding people this winter to clean up any dead or dry pinewood on their properties to help prevent the spread of European house borer (EHB).

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Let's be real. Farming is expensive.

Equipment and machinery are costly to buy let alone maintain. A known struggle if you’re a small business owner.

Farmers have been sharing their farm machinery for centuries and why not, it’s an effective way to curb the price rises. Let’s explore the benefits and pitfalls of owning and sharing farm machinery and what you need to know.

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Ever wondered what it would take to fix severe gully erosion? In this video from Tropical North Queensland Drought Hub, well-known and respected extension officer, Bob Shepherd, describes how the Nicholas family of Paynes Lagoon near Charters Towers, transformed an active and severely eroded site into a stable and rejuvenated feature of the landscape. Bob describes it as 'one of the better projects he has been involved in'.

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NRM (Natural Resources Management) Southern is one of 54 natural resource management organisations in Australia and one of three in Tasmania. The role of the NRM is to protect, sustainably manage and improve our natural resources for the shared environmental, social and economic benefit of the community.
Healthy Farming

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