Mobile Broadband

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Last seen: 03/12/2019 - 13:52
Joined: 01/16/2012 - 14:34

Mobile Broadband

I have been advised that I can only get Mobile Broadband - as opposed to ADSL or cable - on my property outside Casino, NSW. Does anyone know if there are government rebates, discounts or any other subsidy for remote rural properties, as the cost of having this is very expensive (up to $90.00 for 15gb per month). I spoke with Telstra who could only offer a discount on the modem rental at $48.00 per year.

I would like to use the internet to run my online goats milk soap business and not sure if 15gb is even enough for this.

Thanks in advance

Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 09/22/2011 - 21:04

Hi Petra,

Have you looked into wireless broadband? That works well for me, speed is excellent. I am on a 4gb plan which costs $29.95 per month. I use the internet heaps and only occasionally go over my 4gb if I download lots of music or videos.

I have some friends with satellite, don't go there as it is expensive, especially if you want decent download speeds.

I'm unsure on government rebates, someone else on this forum will be bound to know.

Jennie Laughing

Last seen: 12/26/2018 - 09:21
Joined: 05/31/2011 - 09:44

Hi PetraDC,

The federal governments 'Broadband Guarantee' which aimed at providing all Australia's with broadband access regardless of location and associated subsidies finished on the 30th June 2011. This subsidy was used by a large number of farmers in areas with poor phone reception to connect to the internet via satellite.

Have you tried getting mobile phone reception using a booster aerial? This is one of the black or white aerials that you see attached to the front/rear of vehicles, these can be purchased for around $120. If you can get good phone reception with one of these, put one on your roof and run a lead down to a home network gateway. If you don't wish to go to the extent of a home network gateway and you are happy to have one computer connected in one location, buy a patch lead which connects to the external aerial and then plugs into your wireless stick.

Hope this is of help, if you have any questions drop me a reply.



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