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Too much to learn not enough time

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4 years 6 months
Last seen: 08/25/2020 - 23:52
Joined: 08/25/2020 - 23:26

Too much to learn not enough time

Hi. Havent bought a farm/land yet!

Have seized control of the backyard in Sydney and experimenting growing potatoes via beds, mulch beds and other experiments. I am obsessed with sustainability and have so much to learn.

As a foundation I am studying Ag at TAFE on the side. Completely different to my full time work in tech.


Taking the leap

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4 years 7 months
Last seen: 08/19/2020 - 13:31
Joined: 07/23/2020 - 15:52

Taking the leap

Hi Everyone,
I might be a bit early in posting here, My wife and I are currently looking for some land to start our rural lifestyle. Looking around the Goulburn NSW area for some land to buy, but also open to leasing some land to run some livestock on as we are not in a rush and want to find the right place to buy.
A bit about me, I did a traineeship as a Jackaroo when I was 17 and I have family who run dairy farms in VIC, I am now 39 and ready to take the plunge. Sick of the corporate life and want to get out of Sydney.


Starting up rotational grazing with sheep

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4 years 10 months
Last seen: 04/23/2020 - 13:57
Joined: 04/23/2020 - 13:49

Starting up rotational grazing with sheep

We've just acquired our first sheep (Dohne) for our 85 acre property located in Dubbo. The grasses have gone crazy since the rain and there's alot the horses won't touch...hence the sheep to help manage the paddocks . We are keen to rotational graze but need to figure out temporary fencing that will be suitable for them, but I wanted to ask if the grasses are quite established (the paddocks are around knee height and up to waist height in some areas) would we be best to slash it down a little or just let them at it?


Setting up a Cattle Stud

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4 years 10 months
Last seen: 04/26/2020 - 13:06
Joined: 04/23/2020 - 08:48

Setting up a Cattle Stud

We are researching setting up a small Cattle Stud. We would like any advise/experience others have had. Steps we should take with registration record keeping tax offers etc. Thank you in advance


Old Bloke old farmer

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4 years 11 months
Last seen: 08/17/2020 - 20:16
Joined: 04/05/2020 - 21:31

Old Bloke old farmer

Hello am chasing any recommendations re a new tractor with FEL .
Why > I am sixty and have never had a tractor with bucket attached and I have just contracted Ross River Virus [ don’t panic mosquitoe borne only] . So to add to the old aches and pains I am getting that way I will need a lifting mechanism of some sort. To retrofit the existing Ferguson (175) is not viable although I love the old girl and will sadly miss her !
History > have farmed but now hobby only .


An old bloke, new farmer

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5 years
Last seen: 02/26/2020 - 19:46
Joined: 02/23/2020 - 13:29

An old bloke, new farmer

Hi to all and sundry,
I have recently taken over managing a small farm in the south west of western australia. At the moment we have Murray Grey cows and the first of my calves are off to market on Tuesday. I am thinking that I will buy in small calves and grow them over the autumn winter and spring seasons then selling in the early to mid summer sales.
I was thinking of making the pastures smaller and moving the cattle more frequently. Does anyone have opinions on this? Does anyone have a recommended Breed? Obviously want to make a little bit of cash out of the exercise.


Horse agistment Tax deductions

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5 years 6 months
Last seen: 10/20/2019 - 19:08
Joined: 08/23/2019 - 18:29

Horse agistment Tax deductions

Hi fellow farmers, at this stage im an a very amateur farmer, my partner and i have just bought 50 acres in the Adelaide hills.
We have two horses at the moment, and about 5 big paddocks, but we were hoping to replace alot of the existing fencing and fence up some new paddocks. Once we are in the right position we are planning on turning it into a horse agistment center.

I have had a read on the ATO about primary production, and from what i can see, Horse agistment doses not really apply as primary and production.


Hello, 10 acres in South Gippsland

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5 years 7 months
Last seen: 08/10/2019 - 10:42
Joined: 08/10/2019 - 10:03

Hello, 10 acres in South Gippsland

Hi all. We have been living on 10 acres in South Gippsland for 20+ years on which we grow veg, fruit and nut trees, and raise some chooks and a few bees under a Biodynamic/organic philosophy. We have a reasonable sized dam which did not entirely dry out during the 2005-2006 drought, though at times the water level gets too low to consider growing vast amounts of veg. We have grown veg for a veggie bag supplier - overall this does not remunerate the effort and outlay involved, especially once you factor in the inevitable losses due to the highly variable spring/summer weather here.


Small farm ATO - Farm stay

2 posts

Member for

5 years 7 months
Last seen: 12/02/2019 - 10:46
Joined: 08/01/2019 - 15:00

Small farm ATO - Farm stay

Hi all sorry my first post so please forgive the newness of it all!

We've bought 5ha up on the central coast and the council planner has said to be allowed to have a farm stay accommodation on the lot we need to be classed as a farm proven by the ATO.

Is that correct and if so on that kind of land could people suggest a good way to go about it? I was thinking of having a small number of breeding Highland miniature cattle. Would that be sufficient or does it need to be on a larger scale?


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