Fri, 07/03/2015 - 08:02
Market for Lowline /miniature cattle?
Hi there,
I am tentatively looking at stocking Lowline cattle (or something similar) on our 30 acres at Bell, near the Bunya Mountains. Coming from a beef producing family, I have had a few giggles from family members as to their profitability!
Have purchased 'Small cattle for small farms' and waiting for it to be delivered.
In the meantime, I would love hear from others about their experience running miniature cattle. Do you do it just for your own meat supply or also sell at market? Do you have to arrange private sales or can you sell at the commercial cattle market? Would it be better pocket money to fatten a few (regular size) steers each year? (I have access to family cattle trucks, yards etc).
Any input welcome. :)
Thank you!