Mon, 09/23/2013 - 21:52
Pasture improvement & Fireweed
We moved to Somersby from Sydney 2 years ago, and soon after, 3 beautiful highland steers joined our family as pets (and lawn mowers!) We have 3 seperate paddocks covering just over 5 acres of cleared pasture and the cattle have access to all three paddocks.
During summer we have had plenty of feed for our boys but during the winter months as there is not much to graze on, we are buying feed for them (large round bales in a bale feeder + a grain). This winter we have gone through a lot more feed than last year, and we are concerned that the quality of pasture in the paddocks is gradually declining and we are overstocked and may need to think about downsizing our herd...
Til now, we have done nothing to improve the pastures - what can/should we be doing to increase grazing for our boys? Should we be fertilising each year or rotating paddocks to give them a rest? Sowing grass seeds? I have noticed other farms in the area applying a white spray to their paddocks - is this lime? Maybe we need to have our soil tested?
It has also been suggested to us that if the quality of grazing pasture is poor or too short, the cattle can ingest the soil as they feed which can cause health problems - is this true?
Lastly, we have a lot of Fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis) in the paddocks which we have tried in vain to remove by manually pulling each plant... it's been suggested that we use a blow torch to burn them - any ideas on the best way to reduce/eradicate fireweed? It's taking over!
We love our beautiful little country property & the fulfilling lifestyle it offers us and our young family, but we are not natural farmers, and are still learning about the practicalities of living on acerage. Any advice on how we can improve our paddocks would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks :)