Is my cow throwing a tantrum?
Hi all,
i recently (about 2 weeks ago) got a cow for my backyard (almost 2 acres). She's a 14 mo miniature Galloway (we think). She has adapted quite well, and seems to like me. She lets me pat her head, neck, tummy, back and front legs. I haven't gotten to her back legs yet.
She is new to her paddock (only 2 days in there) and I bribed her with food down to the back of the paddock where she hadn't explored yet. She followed me down happily (as did the chooks) and was happy munching the grass when I left her. On my way back I picked up the bucket that I fed her pollard in to put it away.
She came running after me when I was half way back, and bucked before stopping in front of me and nosing in the pollard bucket. When there was nothing in there she again ran around bucking and nosed in the bucket again, pushing at me at the same time. I made a cranky no sound and she danced backwards. Then I tossed the bucket away and made my way out of the paddock. She then proceeded to charge the chickens a few times, then went into the chicken coop and wouldn't come out. My husband ended up going in behind her and clapping his hands. She then came out and went straight to the pile of grassy hay I had put out for her.
She has since calmed down , but I didn't give her any pollard tonight, as it seemed to me like she was throwing a tantrum because I didn't give her enough (the bribe was only half what she normally gets morning and night, but since it was only 3 in the afternoon it was only a small bribe.
My question is why did she behave that way and what can I do to stop it happening again. I wasn't exactly scared of her, but not knowing what she was doing did make me a little anxious, and I'm not willing to let my kids in to feed her if she might hurt them.
Thanks in advance for any help.