Seeding practices

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Last seen: 05/07/2020 - 20:04
Joined: 05/04/2020 - 20:15

Seeding practices

Hi, I'm not a farmer yet but hopefully soon I will be. I like all things agriculture and like to learn everything there is about where my food comes from.
I live in WA with sandy soils and now that it's seeding time I was wondering if anyone can tell me if farmers stop seeding when the rain starts or do they plant through the rain? How much rain does it take before they stop seeding? I know that in heavy clay soils it takes a few days to dry off before they can continue seeding. Also, how many months does it take for wheat to reach maturity?

Any reply will be greatly appreciated and thanks to all the farmers out there

Last seen: 05/08/2020 - 22:16
Joined: 04/28/2014 - 21:05

I'm not currently on any land at the moment, was raised on a small farm and hope to be back on in the very near future. My experience is not with commodity broadacre type crops, it was with beef cattle, pasture cropping and some market gardening. As I said I can't comment on broadacre cereal type crops as I have no experience with them, however in my desire to get back on to a farm, I have been trying to have open ears and re-educate/learn new things and have been looking into regenerative agriculture. You may or may not be interested in it, as it is not mainstream (yet) but is extremely interesting.

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