lantana and land clearing

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Last seen: 05/28/2019 - 20:08
Joined: 05/07/2019 - 17:14

lantana and land clearing

Hello all , I am new to this forum so be gentle .HA.... I need some woody weeds cleared and a bit of earthworks ( lantana , wattle , and general regrowth ) done . I have 50 acres near fernvale QLD . I had a look on gumtree and saw this bloke called buckshot dozer hire . The machine looks like a good size not to disturb the ground too much and seems like he knows what he is doing . Has anyone had experience with this buckshot dozer hire in SEQ ? The rate seems to good to be true for a bulldozer , but i know from growing up on a farm this is the best machine to use for this type of job as a bobcat is too small etc... Any feedback is appreciated .

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Last seen: 09/17/2019 - 18:07
Joined: 11/23/2011 - 09:38

Hi Samsmith,

Basically, you should ask around. I'm in SE Queensland and the last contractor I had, two years ago, charged me $120.00 an hour Plus travelling time. This was for a D9 equivalent dozer (Terex), using a cutter bar and ripper. I couldn’t see what this contractor is charging, but personally, I would ask around in the district for recommendations. Sometimes cheaper is not better. They will also need to check the clearing regulations with DPI, as the fines for clearing protected forestry are very severe.


Last seen: 11/30/2019 - 20:11
Joined: 05/26/2019 - 07:09

Hi Sam, the machine is a good size for the jobs you have in mind. I had a similar one clear land recently. The prices was a little higher. Please check land clearing regulations on the website below. If you have your rates notice you can enter the lot number etc and the website will tell you what you can/cannot clear.…


Last seen: 05/28/2019 - 20:08
Joined: 05/07/2019 - 17:14

Thanks for your help everyone , I have asked around and I found someone who used him and said he was pretty good value , and the machine wasnt to big to cut the wattle and weeds off at the base to minimise regrowth, it actually pushed it out of the ground ( hard to explain ) . and they said the machine was very quiet so the neigbours wouldnt complain ;). He also organised the permit to clear with DMNRE - bargain . They also got him to do a pad for their container and took him about 10 min !! . Might look him up on gumtree and ask for a quote- cant hurt . Thanks fellow farmfolk !!!

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