Visit My Farm
La Grande Vista del Fiume
Animals are not ‘economic units’.
Farm Size:
40 ha
Years Farming
120 sawpit gully road bridge creek
like to become self sufficient
Farm Size:
10 ac
Years Farming
192 Pine Ridge Road, Rock Forest
To breed top quality White Dorper Stud Sheep and Boer Goats
Farm Size:
86 Ha
Years Farming
Victorian coastal town
The DANCING KANGAROO, a Vineyard Village.
I am an architect planning to develop the world's first retirement village for retiring farmers. It will be nothing like a conventional retirement village. It will be combined with an active farm and have real animals on it as well as humans! We plan to combine it with a vineyard, a winery and micro brewery... perhaps even make spirits!! All up to the residents. We also plan a social enterprise artisan food school in the village. It will all be managed by the resident farmers for their own benefits. If anyone is interested... get in touch. My email address is : There is going to be an opportunity for the first 7 persons to seriously become involved to end up with a free house and land in the kidding! We expect it to be located on the edge of an attractive coastal town in Victoria with a current population of 10,000. Excellent hospital in the town and good fishing!! My phone number is 0438619424
Farm Size:
Years Farming
Advance skills to yield maximum care, growth and profit in all areas of farming. We have been doing and still helping farmers to achieve their aims and satisfactions in farming.
Farm Size:
Years Farming
Future dream
Eat what we grow, quality time with kids, rely on each other.
Farm Size:
Small to medium
Years Farming
Upper Lurg
Serenity Homestead
Permaculture and organic living
Farm Size:
72 acres
Years Farming
196 Lesters Road, Bungaree, Vic 3352 AU
Poll Highland
Poll Highland has Scottish highland for sale and cattle for sale Victoria. We also provide registrations for poll, horned, and miniature breeds. In our “Welcome Pack” we provide information that you will need. Yearly membership is $125 plus,for the first year only, $100 joining fee.
Fore more information, you can call us at +61 419 140622 or email us at
Fore more information, you can call us at +61 419 140622 or email us at
Farm Size:
Years Farming
Thundering Herd
The intention is to go down the organic route with livestock and/or nut trees.
Farm Size:
100 acres
Years Farming
Sustainable Horticulture
Efficient sustainable practices
Instagram- Sustainble_horticulture
Instagram- Sustainble_horticulture
Farm Size:
Years Farming
cape town
bukhanica family
is to grow live chicken and sell eggs as we are still very small we looking for help with knowledge.
Farm Size:
Years Farming
3 month