Information and Articles

Anton and Fiona Bombara are seasoned organic growers.

Their organic market garden business in the Peel region of Western Australia has flourished from a part-time enterprise growing only watermelon, tomatoes and capsicum to a full-time business employing four additional staff and producing a wide range of summer and winter crops.

The Bombara's are 'idealists' and started with organics because they wanted to be able to produce better quality food in a way which wasn’t destructive to the land.

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A significant water weed has been removed from an Armadale waterway after a member of the public reported a sighting to the Department of Agriculture and Food.
Water hyacinth is a declared weed in Western Australia
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Debbie has put her product development skills to good use to diversify the range of Swan Valley Honey products.
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Debbie Starr is a talented and experienced chef and also the luminary behind Swan Valley Honey.
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Many small producers or livestock owners are unaware of the importance of biosecurity on their property.
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When buying a property it is easy to make the mistake of assuming that any water is good water. Unfortunately dam and bore water can have hidden quality problems including salinity, hard water and high or low pH, which make it unsuitable for some applications, and its impossible to know this just by looking at the water.

pH metre

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So many people I speak to plan to start their free range farm with rare breed pigs, in particular, the Wessex Saddleback or English Large Black and some, the Berkshire.

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Have you ever thought about owning a house cow but don’t know where to start? Do you dream of unlimited raw milk, manure and beef to complement your small farm activities? Or maybe you’ve never given it a thought. Here’s why I think you need a house cow on your farm.

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Business planning doesn’t have to be an arduous, drawn out task — it can be a simple, straightforward process that has the potential to turn your enterprise into a more profitable success.
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As I’ve written previously, secure water on your small farm is one of the most important inputs no matter if you just want a small vegetable garden or to keep livestock as well. One option is dam water, but on some properties the soil doesn’t hold water, and if you don’t get regular rain, dams can dry up.

If you can find good bore water on your property, you are guaranteed a supply of water, even through a drought, however it is not always easy to find water underground.

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