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5 years 11 months
Last seen: 04/20/2019 - 10:35
Joined: 04/19/2019 - 14:57


Just purchased our first lot of dwarf dairy goats (Nigerian Dwarf) and taking delivery in the near future. We will be breeding for sale as dairy goats/pets as well as looking at showing in the future... Reading all the info on NLIS still can't make heads nor tails out of the exemption for dairy goats for ear tagging. Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks in advance

Last seen: 09/17/2019 - 18:07
Joined: 11/23/2011 - 09:38

Dear Redgum, thank you for the question. Sorry it has taken me a few days to get back to you, but have been sick for a few days. The National Livestock identification system has been in use for several years now. and was introduced for two main reasons. 1. Traceability of live stock movement and to track origins of disease outbreaks, back to their point of origin. In Australia we are free of many dreadful diseases that are endemic in other countries due to our strong quarantine laws and vigilance. This is why the NLIS was introduced several years ago. To read the basics set out step by step on the website just check out that web address. However, if you still can't follow it, because it can be a little confusing to new comers to the industry, phone the NLIS team on 1800 654 743 and they will be only to happy to walk you through registration and help you to set up your account. Basically, livestock need to be tagged with a NLIS tag of the correct colour for the property of origin. There is one colour for the property of origin and another for when the goat arrives at a new one. All goats leaving the property have to have a NLIS/ way bill filled out by the seller stating from whence they came, the sellers name, destination and name of the buyer of the goat/s leaving the property, where they are going to. the registration of the vehicle transporting them and whether they have been drenched or given any chemical treatments. That latter is because there a various withholding periods for withholding before slaughter or use of milk. There are two different requirements for this. The withholding periods are different for Domestic use or for those going for export. The latter is called the ESI for short, or in full, the Export Slaughter Interval. Certain drenches cannot be used in goats for milking, one of which, the most common is Alben (a drench containing albendazole. Some drenches such as Ivemectin can only be used if prescribed by a vet. If ever you are unsure then it is a good idea to contact Meat and livestock Australia who will tell you. Please phone the NLIS team. I have dealt with them for years and they are very helpful. the Way bill/NLIS form can be downloaded on line, for a small fee. Don't forget, that you can check back with Farmstyle any time you want to ask a question. Cheers and happy goat farming. Barb

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