Finding a contractor to advise on pasture establishment
Hey there!
I have a small property in West Gippsland area which we run horses on. There is a 7 acre back paddock which I'm looking at planting a pasture crop(maybe lucerne) for cutting as hay. Horses only consume money so I'm hoping I can offset some costs by selling feed to other horsey people.
I'm ok with the details as far as the cutting and baling goes, but have no idea where to start or look for help on the pasture establishment side of things. From what I have researched, we basically need to plan ahead to get on top of weeds and ensure we have suitable soil profile before we can sow.
I dont know a lot of local farmers to query for information unfortunately, my partner in the property lives on it and manages the horses but I currently live and work in Melbourne and spend weekends working on the property. Who do I talk to about assessing the paddock, soil, weed control, suitable pasture crop, establishment costs and time frames etc.
Any help or pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated!