Having an accurate GPS farm map is a vital tool in the age of high input cost. Large and small farmers need to be able to budget accurately, and make sure they are getting the best from their inputs.
- Allows you to set individual paddock stocking rates with confidence.
- Allows you to set accurate feed budgets at key times during the year.
- Allows you to set paddock rotation times and lengths to maximize pasture productivity, and animal performance.
- Allows you to accurately budget and order your farm inputs (eg. pasture seed, fertilizer, agricultural chemicals).
- Takes away the guesswork for contractors (eg. Spreaders, spray-rigs) and reduces conflicts over paddock sizes.
- Great for farm planning, and infrastructure changes (eg. Fencing, water troughs, dams, treelanes and weed control).
- Great for new staff members and contractors as an induction tool.
- They look professional, and are easily updatable.
“Professional maps for professional farmers” Contact Eastern Falls Mapping (02) 6772 0987 |  |