Busselton sheep?

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Busselton sheep?

Looking at purchasing land in Busselton area. Everywhere I look the farms appear to stock cattle. I have a particular interest in sheep - is the area no good for sheep? Appreciate any guidance
Last seen: 12/26/2018 - 09:21
Joined: 05/31/2011 - 09:44

Hi Jusfarming,

I'm not particularly familiar with that area, however if you have observed a large number of sheep in the local area this is a good sign that local farmers think the area is better suited to sheep.

Some of the main differences between sheep and cattle will be the amount of feed they consume (cattle take a lot more feeding during drought), the amount of water they drink and they type of pasture they perform on. Cattle generally like a more of a grass based diet where as sheep perform better on a legume based diet.

The farms existing infrustructure (fences, yards, water points) will also influence wether you run sheep or cattle. Changing a farms existing infrustructure can be very costly. 

Are any farmstyle members local to this area and can provide any local advice?



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