Tue, 03/22/2016 - 20:42
Moving to the country - lots of questions!
Hi there
My hubby and I are looking to purchase a farm (150-250 acres) in NSW in the Parerson, Vacy, area in the next 1 to 2 years. Our plan is for me to learn as much as I can (reading, courses or work experience) about running a small farm. My hubby works full time but the goal is for him to eventually step back to part time with us making a small living from the farm. I would be working on the farm as well.
We are looking become more sustainable growing our own veg, herbs, fruit etc thus reducing our living costs. We currently are learning about this doing courses and have begun growing our own produce.
We would also like to run cattle and are looking to learn all we can to make a profit from this. We have had a small farm before and run around 8 cattle for our own meat. This time we want to have a plan and turn this into something profitable.
So I guess what I'm asking is can anyone direct me where to go to begin my learning journey? I tried to access resources on this website but the links do not work as apprently the book (farming in a small way) is out of print.
I would appreciate any advice or direction to get us started.
Many thanks for your time