Hi everyone

2 posts

Member for

12 years 5 months
Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 09/29/2012 - 22:40

Hi everyone

Hi, I'm a new member so introducing myself.

At the moment the farm is just an idea, but we're researching a lot and hoping to make it a reality over the next few years.  We're hoping to create a small self-sufficient, organic, permaculture farm, mainly for our own benefits, but also to hopefully educate and entertain the local youth groups and stuff too...lots of ideas.  We're looking at north west Brisbane hills...perhaps somewhere near Samford Valley or Dayboro.

This site looks amazing, I've been on it for ages already, great to find it!


Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 09/22/2011 - 21:04

Hi Gumtree,

Good luck with your new venture it sounds like you have the vision which is all important when you are trying to achieve a goal. I started out a few years ago in a similar position to yourself. I knew nothing about farming but knew that I wanted to do it and was prepared to read, listen and learn. 

I run my farm not for money but for pleasure and self satisfaction. I find there is something very rewarding about growing your own food and knowing exactly where it has come from. One of my main aims when I started was to be as self sufficient as possible, at the moment I am not all the way there but loving the challenge.

Your idea of a place to educate young people is a good one. The average city dweller has no idea where their food comes from or how it is produced. 

Look forward to hearing about your journey and how it all develops.


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