Pastures & Crops

This is the second part in our series on improving the pasture on your small farm. Part 1 addresses the reasons and methods for completely renewing an old pasture, while this part discusses ways to enhance an existing pasture without the large renewal cost.

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A dilemma facing many small farmers is whether to renew an existing pasture and if the high replacement costs are worthwhile. 

There are both financial and other benefits in renewing a pasture, including increases in livestock production/health, improved ground cover/weed control and increases in soil carbon. 

Renewing pastures and increasing stocking rates are a good way for those farming small areas to increase farm income and help cover increasing fixed farm costs (e.g. rates, insurance, licenses). 

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In this episode of small farm dairies Liz discusses her experience in establishing and maintaining a diverse perennial pasture for grazing cattle or cutting for hay. Along with the importance of the 3 "P's"', for the pasture to be palatable, productive and perennial (not needing to be resown each year).

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Looking for Giant Bermuda Grass Seed

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10 years 1 month
Last seen: 02/02/2020 - 22:39
Joined: 08/29/2014 - 15:50

Looking for Giant Bermuda Grass Seed

Hi all.

I am looking to try some Giant Bermuda Grass in certain areas on the farm.

I only need about 2kg as a trial for now to check on its performance and suitability.

Have only been able to find the possibility to obtain a minimum of 100kg lots so far, which is too much for the experiment.

If someone knows where I could source 1 or 2kg it would be much appreciated.


New to all of this. Improving my posture for Alpacas.

5 posts

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4 years 10 months
Last seen: 09/12/2021 - 20:07
Joined: 12/08/2019 - 10:27

New to all of this. Improving my posture for Alpacas.

Hi all.

We have a paddock which has Alpacas in it. Recently we have thought about trying to improve the pasture. We have the alpacas mainly to keep the grass down and that they're nice to look at! We're not commercial in any way.

Anyhow, we're new to owning land and seemingly grass is not grass and there's a lot to learn. Before we bought the property the paddock had a solitary horse grazing it for over 5/ 10 years.

Grazing herbs are plant species that are often mistaken by many farmers as weeds in their pasture. An ideal pasture contains a large proportion of vigorous  grasses and to a lesser extent companion species such as clover and herbs.

Grazing herbs include both Chicory (Cichorium intybus) and Plantain (Plantago lanceolata). These are perennial plants that in some harsh environments  behave as free seeding annuals, that is, they grow for one year or less, set seed and die.

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CEO of the Lely Group, revealed a totally new product; the Voyager automatic grazing system. A product that facilitates farmers to choose for one of the most optimal ways of grazing; frontal grazing. The Voyager automatic grazing system reduces forage waste, increases cows’ harvesting efficiency, avoids variations in milk production and milk composition and ensures labour saving.

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What Is Photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis is the basic process required for plant growth, it is the conversion of sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen. It is the most important process on earth with all plants and animals depending on it for survival. The end result is the release of oxygen into the atmosphere and the storage of sugar in the plant (Figure 1).

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What Are Crops And Pasture And How Are They Different?

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EverGraze is developing and testing new farming systems in different environments across the high rainfall zone of southern Australia. The target is to increase profits of sheep and cattle enterprises by up to 50% and at the same time improve water management, use of perennials, biodiversity and soil health.

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