Tue, 04/22/2014 - 09:47
Any experiences with "tow behind" mower?
I hope Easter was as beautiful for other folks as it was on our little farm at Elands, NSW.
I'm prevailing on the knowledge of fellow small holders for information about solutions for mowing and slashing. I want to mow about an acre on the house yard and keep it nice and tidy. The grass grows at an astonishing rate in Elands.
The outgoing owner uses a ride-on mower, which would be the simplest solution but maybe not the cheapest. I also want to slash the grass around a hazelnut grove - currently only about 3 acres abut I plan to increase it - a lot. We have a mid-sized quad bike and I'm considering a tow-behind slasher for both tasks. They are pretty expensive but if it works as a "two for one" solution it will be the cheaper overall.
So my questions are (1) Are they neat enough to use as a mower for the house yard? (2) How effective are they with long, dense kaykuyu? (what horsepower?)
The property is quite steep in places - not in the grove, but it would be even better if the solution could be used in the paddocks too, e.g. to clear out bracken fern. Not sure about the safety of such devices in hilly country.
PS sheep would probably do both jobs nicely, but we have a feral dog threat. I'm only a part-timer so I can't take the risk of having the sheep attacked.