Profile configuration for user whistlingpigfarm

Member for

11 years 4 months
Submitted by whistlingpigfarm on Mon, 12/31/2012 - 15:30
31.12.2012: We purchased the property in November 2012, having been looking in this area for some months prior. At this stage we are getting to know the property which has an established fruit orchard, large vegeatble beds, composting bays, chook house, extensive gardens - both native and non-native, pine forest and pastures (currently being used by our neighbours cows). At the moment we have been picking mulberries, figs, rhubarb and there's a large horseradish patch to harvest. The name has an historical context - annecdotal information suggests that the stone cottage (our residence) was at some stage an 'illegal watering hole' for the local miners, who originated from Cornwall and they named it "The Pig and Whistle". At some stage much later the Pig and Whistle Tearooms were established. And now we have chosen "Whistling Pig Farm".

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