Starting a boer goat farm in NSW

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Starting a boer goat farm in NSW

Hello, my name is jag and live in western sydney. I am a chef working in a good chain of restaurants around sydney. Few years back I have been researching about raising boer goat for meat purpose. Now am planning to start my own boer goat farm and looking for good lands for livestocks. Before buying my land now I got so many questions rising myself. * How big must be my land should be and how many boer goat can fit in an acre of land. * where should I buy my goats and how would I know they are the best quality wht I am looking?(am planning to do some short course about livestock if available) * Do NSW government sells or helps in helping livestock properties * should I move to melbourne (since am hearing boer goat bussiness is good in Victoria. Anyone can help me finding these answers. That would be more helpful for a family who are trying to do their 1st bussiness. Thank you. Jag
Last seen: 09/17/2019 - 18:07
Joined: 11/23/2011 - 09:38

Hi Jag,

and welcome to the forum.

To answer your questions in order.

Q. How many hectares of land?

A. Depends how many goats you want to run on it. Rule of thumb is, 5 goats to  where you would run1 dry cow. Make sure there is adequate water available. Goats drink more that you might think- up to 12 lt. each per day when lactating.

Q. Where can you buy quality Boer Goats?

A.You can buy quality Boer Goats Through the list of breeders on The Boer Goat Breeders Association Of Australia Web site

Q. Can you get govenment assistance?

A. Don't know. You would have to speak to the state Primary Industry office.

Q. Should you move to Melbourne?

A. I haven't checked for a couple of years, but the Victorian restaurant business was very good down there. You could have a talk to the President of the Victorian branch of the BGBAA about this. The address will be on the webb.

And last if you want to read up on what is involved in setting up and running and breeding meat goats (Boers and their crosses) you could do worse than buying a copy of my booK: Farming Meat Goats: Breeding, Production and Marketing. Published by CSIRO Land Links Press. This is available through the Farm Books shop on this website- See the top of the page.

Hope this helps and good luck with your goat farming,


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