Slaughtering and selling meat from our small farm

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Slaughtering and selling meat from our small farm

My partner and I have just purchased our property of 27 acers, we want to start to slaughter, process and sell our own meat. We want to find out what the legal requirements are to start doing so? I have tried finding this info on the net but havent had any luck because im not sure where to look and google hasnt helped much apart from finding you.

Last seen: 12/26/2018 - 09:21
Joined: 05/31/2011 - 09:44

I have listed the initial steps below that you need to consider before slaughtering and selling meat. Slaughtering and selling meat involves a lengthy process of application for licence, ensuring your facility complies with the construction requirements, developing a quality assurance program and engaging in an auditing company.
Below is a basic outline of the requirements:

  • In order to sell the meat you have slaughtered you are required to hold an Abattoir licence.
  • Under the Meat Industry Act 1993 all meat processing facilities and meat transport vehicles in Victoria require a licence issued by PrimeSafe in order to operate. Licence applications are made through PrimeSafe Victoria.
  • In order to obtain a PrimeSafe licence you need to ensure that your facility complies with the  construction requirements of the appropriate standards prior to submitting an application.
  • You are required to also develop a Quality Assurance Program (Food Safety Plan); and implement a Quality Assurance Program (Food Safety Plan).
  • All meat processing facilities are required to put in place a quality assurance program (food safety plan). The program will ensure that company management assumes responsibility for control of the production of safe food. Experience in quality assurance would be necessary to develop this program.

The program must consist of the following components:

  • Organisational chart
  • Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Plan – identifies, evaluates and controls hazards which are significant for food safety.
  • Cleaning program
  • Maintenance program
  • Pest Control program
  • Training program
  • Calibration program
  • Traceability program
  • Recall program

Meat Processing Facility: As a condition of licence the licensee must ensure arrangements are made with a contracted Accredited Certification Body for an auditor to be present at the facility within the first seven days of operation. Weekly quality control audits continue until a quality assurance program is implemented.

Further information and application forms can be found by clicking here

As you can see it is very involved and costly process to comply with all the restrictions of slaughtering and selling meat. I know of other small area farmers who engage local butchers to have livestock killed and processed at accrediated facilities for their own personal use, not to be sold.

If you are looking to home butcher meat, the links below are excellent DVD's on how to butcher lamb and beef.

Butchering and Dressing Lamb
Farm Butchering and Sectioning Beef



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