Eliminating oxe-eye daisy

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Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 01/25/2017 - 20:36

Eliminating oxe-eye daisy

I have a small cattle breeding enterprise in the upper Blue Mountains of NSW. For many years I have been stuggling to overcome an infestation of oxe-eye daisies in some of the pasture. Does anyone have any experience of eliminating these dreadful weeds? They are perenial and spread by seed as well as root sections. These daisies are not very common in traditional farming areas so there is not a lot of information available.

Last seen: 12/26/2018 - 09:21
Joined: 05/31/2011 - 09:44

Hi Dev,

Thanks for the question, welcome to the small farming forum.

I haven't specifically had experience dealing with Oxe-eye daisies, however any weed will continue to be an issue where there is bare ground and a lack of competition. What type of pasture do you currently have?

Ideally a deep rooted perennial pasture (phalaris, tall fescue) will provide much better competition against weeds when compared to an annual pasture (ryegrass, clover).



Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 01/25/2017 - 20:36

Thankyou Charlie,

At present there are very few grasses because the daisies are so dominant. I have tried to establish some chicory in the past for its deep taproot. Coxfoot grows quite well here as the soil is on the acidic side. I have been reluctant to go to the expense of establish new pasture species until the daisies are controlled. Oats work quite well while they are actively growing but as their cycle comes to an end the daisies move in. I would like to be in a position to introduce some cold season active native grasses, but again feel the weed problem needs to be solved first.

Thanks for the feedback, all input greatly appreciated!

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