Machinery required and how do you?

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Last seen: 05/26/2016 - 00:47
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Machinery required and how do you?

Hi, I have a small hobby farm and am looking to use some of it ( 5-6 acres) to grow barley or oaten hay for feed for some sheep and maybe a cow or two. I have no idea on what machinery is required and what process is involved in growing barley, hay etc.... what time of machinery do i require e.g. hay baler,  when do you plant,harvest etc......

I have a old Nuffield tractor, is there secondhand machinery dealers who deal with small farms?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Last seen: 12/26/2018 - 09:21
Joined: 05/31/2011 - 09:44

Oaten hay has been made for many years, barley hay is less popular although it will produce a higher feed quality than oaten hay. The time you sow will depend on if the crop is going to be grazed during winter, if it is to be grazed it will get sown earlier March-April, if not it will get sown May-June.

Cutting the crop for hay will usually take place October-November depending on the season and the crop's maturity. The crop is usually cut when the grain is partially formed (milky dough when it is crushed between you fingers), this is important as they grain component of the hay makes up a large percentage of the total hay yield and quality.

Cereal hay will usually sell for $100-200 per tonne, depending on supply and demand. 

The machinery you will require to make hay includes:

  • Mower/conditioner
  • Hay rake
  • Baler (small or large squares, round) 
  • Bale forks (lifting, moving and stacking bales)

There are lots of second hand machinery dealers, however for a small area I would recommend using a hay contractor rather than buying your own machinery. Be aware that a contractor will charge per bale, so for you the less bales and more weight per bale the better.

I hope this information has been of assistance and if you require any futher help please post a reply.


Last seen: 05/26/2016 - 00:47
Joined: 02/16/2012 - 16:54

Thanks Charlie, so if i purchase the machinery you have suggested then all i need is harrows and some type of machinery for seeding. Does a combine do these two things in one?

I know these may be silly questions to ask but i really dont know the machinery required or the process involved.

Is this correct:

Step 1: harrow the soil and seed with combine

Step 2: cut hay with mower conditioner and allow to dry

Step 3: use hay rake to rake hay.

Step 4: use hay baler to bale hay.

Is there other (cheaper) machinery besides a mower conditioner to cut the hay.

My farm is on the Yorke peninsula, South Australia

Thanks Scojes

Last seen: 12/26/2018 - 09:21
Joined: 05/31/2011 - 09:44

Hi Scojes,

Thanks for your reply. A combine or seeder will sow the seed with the harrows attached to the rear of the seeder/combine. They are used to cover the seed and to level the soil. Usually, harrows are sold as part of a seeder/combine, however they can also be bought and sold as a seperate unit. If you do decide to buy a seeder make sure that the harrows are included in the sale. Harrows come in a number of types inlcuding, leaf, tyne and coil.

Hay can be cut with a mower, slasher (without mulcing bladea) or any other implement that will evenly cut and not damge the crop. A mower conditioner is often the machine of choice as it cuts, and gently presses the crop speeding up the drying process.

Before you go out and buy any machinery, check out this article Machinery Ownership Alternatives for Small Farmers. This article provides a number of alternatives to machinery ownership inlcuing leasing, hiring, syndication and contracting.



Last seen: 03/08/2018 - 21:05
Joined: 01/04/2013 - 14:49

Hi Charlie, rather than starting a new post I found this one to continue on with so hopefully you will recieve it.

In regards to the above question. I have a question re 1,2 and 3rd cut of oaten hay. If I plant March-April for grazing during "off season" what is the go with cutting 2nd and 3rd cuts of hay. Is this done in the same season and before grazing or do we avoid grazing and allow it to "regrow?". Do we replant every year i.e. cultivate, seed, grow or is this not required if were doing 2nd and 3rd cuts? Cheers. (p.s. hope it makes sense!)

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